June and Kelly

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Terribly busy by J

Yesterday was busy studying History. Today we had our History 1 and 2...and...English 2! It's so pathetic, I don't know what i really wrote in my History paper. It was such a rubbish. Paper 1 was a mess, some questions were not in our syllabus~

What teacher really want? Want us to study the old syllabus too? Oh gosh~ I am real sad now because I did not revise earlier and was fooling around

I was so sleppy in school today, can't even memorise any facts into my head. *can't get out of my head, please..NO*

Today is busy again...busy of what? REST of course.. because Maths subject no need to read. *woo~syoknya*... I have to sleep for 10 hours tonight!

Tomorrow will be busy again...Moral is on Thursday..NILAI NILAI NILAI...Have to memorise them~

My trial exam will end at 3.40 p.m on Thursay (10.09.08)

good luck everyone!
(gimmie an A now)

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