June and Kelly

Friday, September 5, 2008

SSS grandma by J

Today we had our EST papers! Well, the exam ended at 12.00, so most of the students planned to went back after that. The story ended I went home by Jaren's car sitting with 3 guys behind. (thanks Jaren for droppin me infront of my house)...
Our so call best principal don't allow us to go back by not signing out slips...wtf...

You know what the heck happened? She lectured us pulak. Apa ni? She craps a lot that can't enter into my head. *get outta my head*

My good mama came to fetch me but she went back...wtf...anyway sorry mama for keep you wait for the durian runtuh!

Mrs.Mano was the one to blame. Waste our precious time. Waste the fuel. Waste our energy standing. Waste our money most important de lo.(talking like a singaporean)..wtf..

However have to thanks her too right? for offerin us a great motivation talk. (arigato lo)

So I am now at my comfortable room listening to musics, but Mano's face still stick to my mind. I remember you called my name "Yuen June"...wtf

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